Some days overflow with simple joys.
Mornings usually begin the same way here on Layton.
Pajamas askew, hair disheveled, slippers shuffling, I maneuver down the steps from the upstairs bedroom and head directly to the front window in the living room. The point is to open the curtains and get the big picture window view of what the world looks like on Layton today. Is the sun beaming? Is there fog on the mountain or rain in the valley? Will the state of the weather predict the course of the day?
Unfailingly, this is the routine. Throw open the curtains on the world's stage, breathe deeply, scope out the day's prospects, and pray for the courage and strength to see it through.
One day this week, my usual routine took a lovely turn. Pulling back the curtains didn't present me with only a view of Frankie's garage across the street. The day's opening curtain call proved as exciting as a Broadway musical in its first thrilling notes.
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How can a day not begin with gratefulness when it starts with such beauty?
Some days, God just keeps those simple joys flowing.
With the spectacle of a front yard buck on my mind, I went about my morning activity: coffee on, feed the cat, dress. But a steady buzzing drew my attention. Was one of the neighbors mowing already? Or was someone using their electric clippers to trim bushes? Was there something wrong in the basement? My directional hearing is not the best. The buzz seemed to encompass the house like a giant mosquito, and it was incessant. The sound drew me to the back porch where it became obvious the noise came from overhead.
Incredibly, an aerial circus claimed the skies. A small plane dove, twisted, and spun high above my house. I pulled up a yard chair in the driveway, and, head back, I enjoyed the show. The pilot was wild with enthusiasm. He'd climb straight up, turn with his nose to the earth, and spin down until I thought he would join me for morning coffee. Back up he rose to a horizontal flight pattern, and he spun like the Salt and Pepper ride my grandsons love at Knoebel's. What an acrobatic show, right here in my backyard on Layton!
God fills our lives daily with simple joys. Our heads may be full of worries and busyness that block our sight, but God asks us to change focus and "Give thanks in everything." He reminds us to live eyes and ears wide to the blessings around us and to give thanks for each one. No matter what difficulties and hardships we face, there are always things for which we can be thankful. Our lives abound with blessings, awaiting our recognition and appreciation.
The marvelous thing about thankfulness is that it opens the door to joy. Joy rushes in naturally right behind thanksgiving, and contentment with our life situations has its foot in the door.
Eyes and ears wide. Can you see many things for which you can give thanks? I'm working on making it a habit. Want to join me?
Enjoying plenty of Simple Joys here ...
On Layton.