When is it time to die?
This is the question that many individuals and families, including ours, face today as medical advances have sustained life for the seriously ill. Slow death and medical advances "compel physicians and families to decide the best treatment for the seriously ill and to determine when life ends and when treatment should be terminated." (A Time to Die, p. 19)
In his book A Time to Die: A Biblical Look at End-of-Life Issues, Dr. Wally Morris, who received his masters and doctorate from Bob Jones University, considers the many questions and dilemmas faced by people in end-of-life situations. His years as a pastor have exposed him to countless situations where crucial decisions about life and death must be made. A Time to Die is the result of his experience and extensive study in the relatively new field of bioethics.
Dr. Morris' book presents a plethora of guidelines to prepare someone for the end of life as far as it is humanly and emotionally possible. The book's goal is to help Christians develop a theological framework that will guide them in making decisions about this critical time of an individual's life. If biblical principles do not guide the Christian's decisions, "personal opinion, pragmatic concerns, and emotionalism will control the decision-making process and affect the conclusions" (p. 39).
A Time to Die discusses the historical development of end-of-life issues as well as the biblical, ethical, medical, and legal issues. It provides samples of advance directives for health care.
In His sovereignty God placed this book in my hands a few months ago. During that time my 93-year-old father suffered a heart attack that revealed the need for an aortic heart valve replacement. His high risk status disqualified him for the usual open-heart surgery. Two physicians handed him a death sentence. "Allow nature to take its course . . . even performing a routine catheterization could cause his death . . . take him home . . . use a nursing home facility for the remaining six months or so of his life." Basically, as one doctor phrased it later, they were willing to "cast him to the ash heap."
Eventually, a cardiologist happened to mention tentatively, "There is a new procedure being done (in another city) that allows the aortic valve to be replaced without the invasive procedure of cutting open the chest. The new heart valve is inserted with a catheter through the groin. It is called TAVR, or trans aortic valve replacement." This was a glimmer of hope and life, and my dad chose life.
Three weeks ago the TAVR was performed, and dad came through "with flying colors," according to the surgeon. Dad could have taken the alternate route . . . to do nothing and face imminent death. But at every turn in the decision-making, Dad chose life.
Dr. Morris affirmed Dad's controversial decision. He reiterates in his book that we are made in the image of God, that He has good reasons for the painful and confusing circumstances of death, that these circumstances are part of the believer's conforming to the image of Christ. Morris stresses the importance of Christians investing time in biblical growth in order to understand more clearly God's plan for our lives.
Despite the sensitive, difficult, and complicated subject matter of this book, its clarity and readability make it a must-read for any living, breathing person. for eventually . . . we will all face death. Dr. Morris's book will help the reader prepare for the complexities of end-of-life decisions.
Visit the publisher's web page on A Time to Die: http://ambassador-international.com/books/time-die-biblical-look-end-life-issues/
This book was provided free to the blog reviewer by Ambassadors International.
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